For Laughter. For Encouragement. For Inspiration.

For Laughter. For Encouragement. For Inspiration.

26 January 2014

To Be Like...John

Was thinking about John the Baptist today. "The Baptist" was not his last name. But, what he stood for and how he served The Lord was so intertwined with who he was that it became his name.

Is your service like that? Has your skill, talent, or service for The Lord become so well know that when people say your name they say your skill, talent, or service too?

If not, it's never too late to begin your story. According to Ephesians 2:10, God already wrote it for you, He's just waiting on you to tell it. :)

How have you started making steps to walk in the direction you know God intended for your life? 

I'd love to hear about it. 

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