For Laughter. For Encouragement. For Inspiration.

For Laughter. For Encouragement. For Inspiration.

24 February 2014

Yep, they said that!

My oldest son, Jacob, loves magic tricks.  I even got him a cute little magic box for Christmas and a book on card tricks.  This keeps him and his little brother entertained for hours.

Well, I've become a part of the magic because my boys truly think I can pull things out of their ears!  Haha I hide things they're looking for in my hand, and if I find it first, I cup it in my hand, reach behind their ear and tell them it was behind their ear all along.

Well that's been a wonderful fun game until today.

See this picture?

This is my 4YO, Hudson's, pride and joy.  He takes this lego batman everywhere. He puts it in the bathtub, it sits at the dinner table with us, he packs it in his backpack for school, and he sleeps with it.

Well, its been misplaced.  I last saw it in the bed with him a few days ago, and we have looked everywhere possible to find it...but to no avail.

Knowing that I often perform my magic trick on the boys, in distress, Hudson turned to me today (after we again searched everywhere for it) and frantically said, "Can't you just pull it out of my ear? Pleeeeeeaaaase mommy??!!!"

LOL  Oops!

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