I post on Facebook a lot of the funny, deep, thought-provoking things my 4 YO and my 7 YO say.
People message me all the time telling me how they enjoy my stories about my sons. So, in a shameless effort to encourage my blog following, and to lessen my FB postings, I thought it a good idea to include those sayings here periodically with their own consistent title..."Yep! They said that!"
This is the first of that new and infinite series. Enjoy! :)
Jacob: Remember we have Christ in our hearts. He lives in us.
Hud: Well, you're not going to heaven because you tease me. Teasers go to hell with the devil, their father.
Jacob: Mommy!! Do teasers go to hell or heaven?
Me: Remeber the "helmet of salvation" we talked about with God's armor from Ephesians 6 last week? Salvation covers your thoughts. Once you accept Christ in your heart, you're going to heaven. However, think of heaven as an amusement park. There's so much to do, and what we do on earth determines where we'll be in heaven. If you tease others, Jacob, that's not very nice so, you'll get in , but you won't be able to ride the rides.
Hudson: Yeah, in heaven, I'll be riding the rides, and I'm gonna look over and wave at you at the door where all the teasers are!
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