For Laughter. For Encouragement. For Inspiration.

For Laughter. For Encouragement. For Inspiration.

06 November 2013

I think I've found my new calling... :)

I recently read an article about finding words in nature with your children.  A while back, the boys and I read a picture book by a photographer (whose name I've forgotten :(  ) who found letters and numbers in random items.  It was amazing!  This project reminded me of that book, so I decided we could look for letters in a word on our various excursions.

This, our first one, was at a park. The word is "Thanks!"  Can you see it? I posted our findings to Facebook, and now it's just become a thing!  So fun!

The "T" shot is my favorite.  I just think that's an absolutely fabulous shot of the boys playing together. My second favorite is the "!". Some tweens were having cheerleading practice, and it was so awesome to see an exclamation point!

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