courage - M.E. corage, fr. OF cuer (heart), Latin cor -more at heart
"mental or moral strength to resist opposition, danger, or hardship...implies firmness of mind and will in the face of danger or extreme difficulty."
-Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
The summer of my junior year in high school I determined that I would reinvent myself with each new school year. I would have a new theme of fashion that I wanted to go with. So, my senior year, I became (or so I thought) the cute prep. I got rid of my glasses, began wearing contacts and more makeup, began working out fervently, and sporting the long preppy ponytail look. Then, the next year I decided upon the cute collegiate look for my freshman year in college (a term and look only I could define)...and, so on and so on.
As I've matured and grown in my Christian faith, I still reinvent myself each year, but it no longer relates to fashion. I now focus on becoming more of a conduit for the truth of God's word. And, God with his holy humor obliges me. :) However, this year is different. This year God has modified my little personal game, heard my prayers of "going deeper" and given me his own version of reinvention. He's given me a theme...and, that theme is COURAGE.