i had an epiphany from my child yesterday. he didn't know he was the cause of it, but do they ever? hahaha there was a spider on the floor where jacob had run and where he had decided to plop down and play. noticing something inching toward my baby, i scooped him up and placed him in his playpen, so i could kill it. hating being confined and separated from all the action, jacob immediately began to scream.
this is what the lord showed me in that...he will often scoop us up and move us from situations we think are "fun" or are in our best interest because he sees what we cannot. and though we may become angry with the "where or what" of the situation, we can have comfort in the "why" of his purposefulness because he sees the big picture. god also showed me that although we often feel confined or restricted by his biblical parameters, his word keeps us from "the spiders" of this world that we may not even see.
this is significant for me because i was dealing with some thoughts and emotions which he needed to pull me away from and show me the purposefulness of his biblical parameters. hope it illuminates you as well.